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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Responsible decisions essays

Responsible decisions essays There is a delicate balance that is apparent in all aspects of life and far two often people only see the small picture, failing to recognize many natural occurring consequences. One such way for humans to help maintain this balance is to hunt. We as people need to practice responsible hunting and decision making by leaning the difference between over hunting, under hunting and the importance of restoring the natural balance we interrupt. The effects of over hunting are very apparent in the world today. We have many animals on the endangered species list because of mankinds inability to know when to stop. If you look right here in British Columbia, youll see that the grizzly bear population is diminishing rapidly. These animals not only keep other species in check but are also some of the most spectacular bears in the world. Are world would be a lesser place without the grizzly and we as humans must realize that we not only threaten the eco-system, but we also threaten the privilege of generation to come from enjoy the wonder of this magnificent bear. The grizzly is not the only species in trouble due to over hunting, animals like the gorilla and cheetah of Africa are in serious threat because of over poaching. These are just some of the animals that are facing extinction because of are incompetence. Over hunting is a terrible fact that mankind is faced with, but equally as bad are the effects of under hunting. Take the rat for example, since humans have built large cities and towns there are less natural predator to keep the population in check. Rats are free to roam are streets and infest are houses without the fear of there natural predators. Since humans are responsible for building these cities and towns, driving away predators, it is now are responsibility for managing the rat population. We can not let an animal that spreads disease and kills off small bird species to run ramped in are cities. We must come up ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Best Toe Kick Dimensions for Cabinet Design

Best Toe Kick Dimensions for Cabinet Design At the bottom of every base floor cabinet in your kitchen or bathroom, you will notice a notched profile below the front door of the cabinet. This notched profile, called a toe kick, is an ergonomic feature designed to make it safer and more comfortable to work at the cabinets countertop. This might seem like a small advantage, but long experience shows that this small amount makes it much easier for a user to stand for long periods without uncomfortable leaning and without struggling to maintain balance. As with many other standard features of home and furniture design, the toe kick follows a fairly common measurement standard.  So universal is this standard that factory-made stock cabinets always follow these standard dimensions for a toe kick,  and an experienced carpenter or woodworker who constructs  a base cabinet will include the toe kick with these standard dimensions. Standards such as these are neither  legal requirements nor mandated by building code. Rather, builders have established over time that such measurements make for greater comfort and safety, so it is wisest to follow these measurements unless specifically directed otherwise.    Standard Dimensions for Toe Kicks The optimal depth for a toe kick is 3 inches. This provides an adequate recess to stand comfortably and maintain balance while working at a countertop. Almost all factory-made stock cabinets will comply with this depth standard.   Toe-kick depths greater than 3 inches do not hurt the effectiveness of the toe kick, but depths less than 3 inches should usually be avoided, as they interfere with ergonomic effectiveness.   The optimal height for a toe kick is 3 1/2 inches, and heights up to 4 inches are common. Increasing the height over 3 1/2 inches does not hurt the effectiveness of the toe kick, but it may very slightly reduce the space in your base cabinet. Is There Any Reason to Change the Dimensions of Your Toe Kick? Its quite rare that a reason presents itself to vary from these standard dimensions for your base cabinet toe kicks. It is actually only possible at all in custom cabinets built to specifications or having a carpenter alter the installation of factory cabinets.   Family need for altered dimensions is generally the catalyst for requests for alteration of such specs. For example, a very tall person with large feet might find a larger toe kick more accommodating. The likelihood of a need to reduce the size of the toe kick is slim, although a very short person might consider this as a means of slightly lowering the countertop height to provide an added level of comfort to a workspace.